for you daddy...
June 18 is a special day to the first man in our life. The man that we look up to and idolize, the man who will stick it up with us no matter how many times we fall and when simply all the man we've loved left us
. The one who pushes us to the limit so that in every thing we do we will give it our best shot and he silently watches us from behind with a proud face
for all our success. Our source of strength when everything else fails. They are our guide to the road to success and virtue and it's no other than our father, papa, daddy, tatay.
"Happy Father's Day" to my dad and to all the father's out there
. Daddy, thank you for everything and for molding me to become who I am today. A big part of our personality was influenced by you like our passion for music, appreciation for good food though i don't like cooking as much as u do which was namana ni Bukie coz she was the best cook among us 3, and for all the other things that are ur trademark which we have inherited. You are one of the biggest influence in my life and although there are times that we don't meet at the same wavelength i'm still thankful for having you in my life, you may not know it coz I was never the expressive type. You will always be the star that shines the brightest
among the millions during the dark nights of my life. Despite the grief over my sister' s loss
that we are all facing at these tumultuous moments of our lives u still manage to show to us a strong facade though i know deep inside ur heart is breaking, I should know coz I can see it in ur eyes...Someday daddy we will see the sun shining again....much brighter
than it was before and everything will be alright.
On the other hand, I received another sad news from a good friend of mine. Her brother is suffering from lymphoma and has to undergo chemotheraphy for months. I just hope and pray that everything will be alright
. And to my friend, never lose ur faith in God coz that's the only weapon that will sustain us in our most difficult moments in our life, there is still hope and even if it may seem to be so thin hold on to that. Everything happens for a reason.
School has officially began...yesterday we started our lesson officially which tackles on the needs of human which are biological, psycho-social, spiritual, and cultural needs and during the discussion we have also discussed the nurse's approach towards the patient. A nurse must be efficient enough and must have good interaction with the patients so that the patients will be at ease and thus lessens the fear and pain he/ she is undergoing at the moment and most of all the nurse must handle the patient with utmost care and respect, which is very essential for all nurses because they are dealing with human lives here. The passion and dedication
for this work is really needed because being a nurse with deal with different people with different personalities, so the approach varies for each patient. It is in here also that ur patience will be put to a test...but no matter how great the responsibilities and the challenges of being a nurse, I still wanted to be one
40 DaysYesterday was the 40th day since my sister's death, we went to the cemetery at 3:00PM to end the novena and after that we went at home where there is a little "salo-salo"and attended the 5:30 mass which is offered for her by our auntie for 9 days.
Last Sunday, when we are about to have our sister saw this huge butterfly with a very nice wings and has a brown color with specks of white at the sides of it's wings in our kitchen, then I told her to touch it and she did and it did not fly...after a few minutes my mother touch and after that it transfer to another place and i touch it this time and it flew after...when we saw the butterfly we were crying
for we know that it was my sister visiting us.. A cousin also told us that it was the same butterfly that he usually see in my tito's house since my sister died, and another neighbor said that it was the same butterfly that landed on my tito's arm and stayed there for a while
. When we went to mass that afternoon we also saw that same butterfly flying in the church, its as if she is following us. It's got to be her.
I still can't believe up to now that she is gone forever..It's like im still living in a bad dream and I feel like I am floating, going where the tides will take me...It still hurts so much, the wound is still so fresh as the day when she left us
...Whenever i think of her i still get misty eyed
... I dread the coming days for I know she will never be here with us again. I don't know how to live life without her anymore
. I still cry at night, most specially when i turn to my side and she is not there sleeping with me, sharing bed with me, no one to hug at night and talk till wee hours in the morning. I don't know when this agony will end though I long for the day that we can finally move on but for now it still seems a long road to track and still very far from possibility.