Saturday, January 05, 2013

It's always a good time in Boracay

Finally! I found the luxury of time to update my blog with this very long overdue post about my short but very memorable vacay in Boracay, the island of happiness and beach bumming for me..

The last time I visited Boracay, I vowed to return by hook or by crook..2 years after, I'm back...

The smiles after checking in despite the heavy rains

  while waiting for our flight @ Mactan International Airport

the gloomy and rainy weather that caused the delay of our flight for 4 freaking hours!

 Finally, we arrived safely.

 After checking in at La Carmela de Boracay

and this is what happens when we are in the same!!

 Paris in Boracay <3

  It's always a good time when you are with people who make your life all worth living for.. friends are happiness overload!!!

 getting ready for Paraw sailing

 Enjoying d'Talipapa and scouring for some souvenirs

       enjoying Boracay's night life on our 2nd all the time!!